
Throughout each key stage, children take part in exciting opportunities to develop their writing skills. School trips, theatre visits and author workshops provide rich experiences for the children to draw on.

At Torridon, children are provided with a range of learning opportunities that enable them to learn, develop, revise and apply the skills set out in the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals. The children are given frequent opportunities in school to write in different contexts, using high-quality texts as a model, and for a variety of purposes and audiences. Teachers give the children a purpose and context for their writing to enable them to develop their imaginations and application of skills. This broad range of quality texts enables the children to experience different genres of writing, including diaries, book reviews, stories, fact files, comic strips and newspaper reports. There is also a focus on developing grammar, punctuation and spelling skills.

Each term, the children focus on a core high-quality text, which links to topics and are the foundations for their learning. Outcomes for the term are based around the text, focusing on skills and resulting in extended writing pieces.