Admissions Arrangements

In Year Applications and Transfers:

Applications for school places are managed centrally by the Lewisham Admissions Team and places are offered in accordance with Council policy.

To apply online go to  On the form you can select up to six schools listing them in order of your preference. If you do not have internet access, you can obtain a paper copy of the form from the Admission’s Team on the 3rd Floor, Laurence House, Catford.

However, there are a number of admissions criteria that apply to offers that are made for places at Torridon Primary School. These are in order of priority:

  • a child in public care; that is a child who is looked after by the local authority
  • in exceptional circumstances, a child may be admitted on the grounds of acute medical or social need, for either them or a family member
  • a child whose brother or sister is still on the school roll at the time of admittance in to Reception Year
  • if after the above criteria are taken into account, priority will be given to children whose permanent home address is closest to the school.

Detailed information can be found on the Councils’ website

In Year Transfers

Parents and carers of children who wish them to join the school, in any class, at any other time of the year need to complete an “In-Year” admissions form.  These are also available at:

The same admissions criteria is applied to all applications with the addition of an “out of education” priority, whereby children who have just arrived in the area are given priority over other children who are already in a school and just wish to move.

Secondary Transfer

Information on the Secondary Transfer process and all the required forms can be found on the London Borough of Lewisham website –

Application Guidance:

Communication to Parents and Carers:

Year Six Secondary Transfer Meeting information