SEND Polices and Information
At Torridon Primary we believe that provision for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is a whole school matter and includes the Governing Body, the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and all other members of staff, particularly teaching staff and teaching assistants, who play a vital role in supporting all children including those with SEN.
At Torridon Primary School we believe that:
- each child is an individual learner and has his/her own particular educational needs.
- every child has a right to a comprehensive and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to reflect their needs and has continuity and progression.
- learning experiences will be fun and appropriately planned and adapted to meet the child’s needs and to ensure progression.
- children will be encouraged to be self-motivated and independent in their learning and focus on positive achievement.
- the nature of a child’s Special Educational Need might be long or short term and in one or more area, i.e. cognitive, physical, social, behavioural and emotional development.
- every effort will be made to reduce the risk of ‘labelling’ for children with SEN. Where ever possible children will be integrated to share educational experiences with children whose needs are different to their own.
- the special needs provision made by the school is a practice which is entrenched in partnership with parents and supporting agencies.
Please click on the link below to read our SEN and Disabilities policy and our SEN information report.