Our Vision and Values
The school has a compelling vision for an inclusive, high-quality education for all which enables our children to achieve and thrive regardless of background. Our Core Values underpin all policies and practice. To this end, leaders at all levels ambitiously and purposefully work to achieve short and long term goals.
Our school values are:
- aspiration
- community
- diversity
- excellence
- respect
They underpin our curriculum and strongly contribute to pupils receiving a well-rounded education, that celebrates every subject and enables them to aspire to excellence. Our knowledge engaged approach to learning promotes communication, problem solving and creativity.
At Torridon, we have an inclusive curriculum where every child is recognised as a unique individual. We adapt the curriculum for different groups of children, including disadvantaged pupils and those with EAL and SEND. We celebrate our diversity and strive to ensure pupil’s wellbeing and safety is implicit in all that we do. We encourage debate so that children respect each other’s values. We develop the skill of resilience in order for children to aspire to reach their full potential by building on their confidence and self-esteem.