School Led Tutoring

Torridon Primary School is committed to supporting all pupils to overcome any barriers to learning.

We continue to have high expectations for our pupils and strive to ensure all pupils achieve their potential. This is why we will regularly review, evaluate and reshape the Covid Catch up fund strategies to ensure that we are maximising their impact on pupils’ progress across the school. Our objectives are:

1)     To accelerate progress in RWM in all year groups so that attainment is in line with national expectations;

2)     To diminish the difference in attainment between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in RWM;

3)     To fill gaps in learning in the core subjects.

The success of the strategy will be reviewed by the senior leadership on a termly basis in light of summative assessment data.

To read our current School Led Tutoring Plan use the link below:

TPS School Led Tutoring Funding Plan 2022-23

Our previous Catch Up Funding Plan was:

TPS Catch Up Impact Statement 2021-22

TPS Catch Up Plan 2021-22

To find out more about the Catch Up Premium Strategy please click on the government link below: