To celebrate Black History Month we will be making another whole-school video montage for the song ‘One Love/People Get Ready’ by Bob Marley.
We would love you and your family to be involved in our celebration. Please video yourselves singing, lip-syncing, playing instruments or dancing to an extract of the song. As video files can be quite big, it would be best if you pick a short section of the song to join in with (maximum one verse or the chorus). You can be as creative as you like with the video, make props, actions etc.
IMPORTANT– please use the One Love/People Get Ready recordings above,not the original version. If you sing the original song then unfortunately I will not be able to include the vocals in the final montage as it will be in a different key. If you would like me to use the sound of you playing or singing I will mix it in, but please use headphones to listen to the backing track (if you can), so you just record you and not the sound of the backing track.1. You will need headphones connected to a device (eg. Phone or ipad) you can listen to the song on.
2. Use a different device to film yourself or your family performing your favourite part of it – do this in landscape mode if possible.
The video will be shared on the school Twitter, Creative Arts Blog and on our Vimeo account which are both public. Classes in school will be recording it next week so please inform the class teacher if you do not consent to the child in your care being filmed ASAP.
Please email to by Friday 23rd October. The video will then be made and posted on Friday 6th November.
Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing the above address. Happy singing!