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Contact details

Torridon Primary School

Headteacher: Manda George

Deputy Headteachers: Claire Eastwood and Richard Newsome

Torridon Primary School, Hazelbank Road, Catford, London, SE6 1TG

Tel: 0208 697 2762

How to find the school please follow this link.

Parking is free on the street outside the school, but we discourage drivers at the beginning and end of the school day as the road can get very congested.

We welcome disabled visitors and will do our best to accommodate any physical requirements our guests may have.  Please call the school in advance if there is anything we can put in place to make the school more accessible to you.

Please contact the admin office at school if you have any enquiries.


Our SENCO – Sai Satyadeva and Karen Stewart

Request for paper copies: Copies of all policies, newsletters and other information on our website are available at the school office or via request made by email.