Becoming a Childminder Pre-Registration Briefing
If you wish to become a childminder in Lewisham you need to attend this pre-registration briefing. This is the first step to becoming a Registered Childminder with Ofsted. This briefing outlines what is involved in embarking on the new career as a self-employed childminder including what training is required.
This session will provide you with an opportunity to:
– Find out about what is involved in becoming a registered childminder, including what is required by OfSTED (which is the government department responsible for registering and inspecting childminders)
– Hear about the process for applying to register as a childminder on the Early Years Register and begin to network with other prospective childminders.
– Find out about the courses available to you through STEEP to support you in becoming a Registered Childminder.
For those who have attended this Briefing, Lewisham offer a Basic Skills assessment, so anyone considering becoming a Childminder can ensure they have the literacy skills in English needed to follow a Level 3 course. The Introduction to Childminding Practice is a Level 3 course and aims to ensure course participants have the best chance to excel.
To book a place please visit